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After several unsuccessful attempts *blah blah blah*, I finally get to listen to his latest album 依然范特西!! YAY~!!!!!!!!! I AM REALLY REALLY HAPPY, I CAN'T STOP SMILING :))))))))) Seriously, I want to thank my sister for letting me *ah-hem* the songs from her.

Listening to the album for the second time...
I can't help but notice how unique his voice, the way he sings....

The music is the 周杰倫 style...which makes this song sound weird because he sings it with 費玉清. Their styles are so different ("chinese" vs. "cool") you would never think of putting the two of them together. Although I must say that this is still a very nice song.

Ehh...I shall skip my comments on this.

This is my favorite song on the album, followed by the first (夜的第七章) which had a very nice prelude. This one is more like 藉口 and 擱淺 imo.

A very very cute song....and quite funny in the way he sings, esp. the "哼哼哈兮" is so different from in 雙截棍 as if it has lost all its energy. The ending is awesome too, the way he says "唉呦". And apparently, he was borned knowing how to play a guitar, lol.

Another slow song, with a beautiful tune...

I <3 the chorus melody, hence it's a 5-star song on iTunes for me.

Hmm...Seductive? Hehe.

Last song on the album...has a very "china" taste in it.

Overall, this is another love-it 周杰倫 album. Maybe I'm just biased because it's 周杰倫, but who cares. IT'S STILL 周杰倫!
And if you are too a 周杰倫 fan like me and enjoy singing his songs, you can find lyrics here. :D

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:22 PM

    no problem regarding the mp3s. heh.
    why is 退後 your favourite?! did you like the piano intro or something? it sounded like 藉口. too similar to a bunch of his old songs as well, so i labeled it as a rip-off. heh.
