
New Website!

Update: My website needs a new home. It will no longer be hosted at bravehost.net. Apparently, the ad-supported feature is not frames friendly. Screwed me big time. It's still there, so you can see how badly it is. Oh wells, so now back to http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~xwt. Till I find a good, preferrably free, host...

Somehow I was convinced that CMU removed my AFS account (turns out now that that was not the case) so I decided I will find some free web hosting servers online...and perhaps, do a makeover since the current/previous design is really too child-like (not child-ish, and definitely not ugly :p).

So go check out my new website at http://ryantan.bravehost.com. I know the url sounds stupid, but hey that's what you get when you want things free. The website is still being constructed, a lot to be added and tweaked, so stay tune!

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