
Bye bye Pittsburgh.

I have officially moved into my sister's place in Atlanta, my new home!!

sigh...the last 1 day and 2 nights in Pittsburgh was actually quite unbearable. Esp when mr. goh just left and I have nothing left to kill time with...except for a book that mr. goh has been pestering me to read, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.

mr. goh bought me the book *i dunno when* but of coz the lazy me never got to read even a tenth of the book. I think I stopped at...chapter 2. Haha that was 11 pages. I actually knew the story already when my eldest sister came to visit last Halloween, she read it and told me and my second sister the story. She was very frustrated with the narrator...etc. Now 8 months later, mr. goh came and made me read it. Since I expected mr. goh to pack my desktop into my luggage before he leaves (that's 1 day and 2 nights before me), I saved this book to keep me occupied while waiting for my flight early Sunday morning. Not surprisingly, I fell asleep after the first 2 pages on Friday night.

The next morning, dreaded by the fact that I have nothing fun to do, I started reading. Then I read and read and read. And I finished!! Yay! This was the second time in my life that I tried reading nonstop. My first was Harry Potter. See all the concentration I had? That was supposed to be impressive, you know. I have many books. I shipped 6 boxes of books on media mail to Atlanta (includes textbooks and books I brought over from Singapore 4 years ago), none of them were read completely. mr. goh called from *somewhere think Tokyo* and was impressed, at the same time delighted that I finally read one of the books he bought me. Hurray again!

Btw, The Kite Runner tells a great story. Now I want to recommend to everyone because it's so moving. I was so touched by the ending I almost shed a tear. Go read!

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